Assalamualaikum wbt and Hello everybody *Lambai cute gitu hikhik
So What are you doing right now? Hmm I'm wondering. Is it same with me? Eat, sleep, watch Tv, eat and sleep again haha Must be not right. I am sure each of you has something to do like focusing on your ceramah about drivng as it one of the rule to get driving licnse right? or you're having fun with your job as a cashier, an officer and etc. Okay, I'm happy for you guys. Really. Because you do good activities as the time passes by *Thumbs up
As I'm one of the person in this big whole world that doing nothing at home soooo I decide to find a good job tomorrow. Okay Give a huge of applause to me Hikhik Thankyou thankyou :D So what job that I prefer to?
Be a cashier at supermarket?
Actually, I'm not really interested to be a cashier in any supermarket. I have to face with a lot of people. Especially with the people that I already know. Saya ni kan malu-malu kucing gitu Bhahahaha Okay so not funny at all -,- Bluerkk.
Work at any fastfood restaurants?
Okay, Kerja dekat tempat macam ni memang mengundang untuk menaik kan berat badan kan kan Hahahaha My friend told me that he always gets ayam free, itu free ini free, when he works at KFC. Wahhh *Mata bersinar Winks haha Itulah salah satu punca nak gemuk kuangkuang :p And I heard from my friend also, working at the Kfc and these rsturnts is soooooooo tired. So? Bhaha No comment.
Any Pharmacy or Clinic?
Kerja yang paling rileks ialah kerja dekat farmasi. Haaaaaaaa betul ka? hihi
Melayan pembeli di Kedai Baju atau Butik?
This job is not so hard to do. When you see pelanggan is coming into your boutique, You just have to come closer to her, show her your sweet smile and ask her "Assalamualaikum Cik, Cik nak baju apa, Sini ada banyak baju cantik-cantik" hikhikhik Kan kan?
Be a "kuli" at Restaurant or any Kedai Makan?
Working at any Kedai Makan is so tired. Jadi kawan-kawan jangan cari kerja dekat Kedai makan ye. Nanti penat sangat. Tak sempat nak update blog hehehe
So many choices but I haven't decide yet. Tengok juga dekat tempat kerja tu kalau ada kosong atau tak. Soooo I really hope that I'll get a job easily tomorrow. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah pencarian kerjaku esok. Mudah-mudahan saya dapat kerja yang okay. Amin :)
Thankyou for reading ya Readers <3 !
kalau cashier, ada risikonya, kalau duit short, tolak gaji kita. hoho. tak sanggup.
smoga dpt keje..keje ape pun takpe asal halal kan?
Nurhafizan : Kan? Saya pun takut.
Eera : Ha'ah Betul betul :) Thanks!
jadi part time cikgu tution la:)
hmmm..dpt ayam limit je rasenya..xleh byk2...ekekekeke..
kerja kedai makan sangat penat...saya dah pernah buat...
takpe, cari je banyak-banyak kerja...mintak 10 pun takpe..kalau dapat banyak, tinggal pilih je nanti..:)
The F word : Hahaha InsyaAllah, Saya pun takde lah bnyk ilmu sngat untuk mengajar :)
Ezad Amer : Oh I see. Limit je eh? hehehee takjdi lah :p
nur anis : Ohh thankyou ye ! Chu try mntk bnyak eh? :)
Haha chuu kalau dah kerja nnti belanja sheera :D
Hahaha Okay Bosss. InsyaAllah :)
Chu belanja Sheera,chocolate ye!
tayah keje la chuare.. duduk rumah mengembangkan badan je :p
Hahaha Tak nakkkkkkkkkkkk :P
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